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A virtual roundtable hosted by Women4Biodiversity, UNCBD Women’s Caucus and the Convention on Biological Diversity


A 1.5 hours event to address the importance of gender-responsive biodiversity conservation, where good practices, lessons learned, and concrete ways forward will be shared for all actors interested in implementing immediately and effectively the Gender Plan of Action (GPA) on the ground in collaboration with women’s organisations and leaders.

The topics that will be addressed are as per the below,

  1. The importance of gender-responsive biodiversity conservation.
  2. The importance of GPA and introduction of its structure and content (outcomes, objectives, activities, deliverables).
  3. Analysis of GPA’s content and highlight best practices for its implementation at the national and local levels
  4. Best practices and implementation opportunities for governments, local authorities and diverse organisations.
  5. Partnerships with women’s organisations on the territories to implement the GPA as the path to increase better outcomes for people and biodiversity.


This online event is intended for UNCBD Women’s Caucus members, policymakers, practitioners, academics, civil society organisations, and other stakeholders interested in biodiversity conservation, gender equality, and sustainable developmentThe webinar may benefit those intending to mainstream gender considerations in implementing the COP15 decisions and resulting instruments.

The panel of speakers are as per the below,

  • Cicilia Githaiga, UNCBD Women’s Caucus (Opening remarks)
  • Sylvia Hordosch, UN Women, (Opening remarks)
  • Olivier Rukundo, CBD Secretariat
  • Venge Nyirongo, UN Women
  • Sandra Solis Jerónimo, Mexico National Government
  • Flora Mokgohloa, South Africa National Government
  • Cecile Ndjebet, The African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forest (REFACOF), Cameroon
  • Amelia Arreguin, UNCBD Women’s Caucus Coordinator (Moderator)


Friday, 26 May 2023

13:00 to 14:30 UTC

1.5 hours


Zoom. Live interpretations in English, Spanish and French will be available.


  1. To raise awareness about the importance of the Gender Plan of Action (GPA) and its content.
  2. To disseminate best practices and opportunities for governments, local authorities, and diverse organisations to lead its effective implementation
  3. To showcase how partnerships with women’s organisations on the territories to implement the GPA could increase better outcomes for people and biodiversity.
Spanish poster
French poster

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