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A hybrid event featuring a high-level moderated discussion to celebrate the International Day for Biological Diversity 2023


A one-day hybrid (in-person and virtual) style event celebrating International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) on 22 May. The theme for this Day is “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity, which promotes action in support of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). The event will especially highlight stories from Women4Biodiversity’s partner restoration sites from Asia, Africa and Latin America. These sites are working to build resilience and weave gender-responsive approaches to biodiversity governance.

The topics that will be addressed are as per the below,

  1. GLOBAL TO LOCAL: Perspectives from the actors on the ground.
  2. How can you ensure effective implementation of the Kunming Montreal GBF from Agreement to Action?


Women4Biodiversity will be hosting the event. The panel of speakers are as per the below,

  1. Valeria Enderle, Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)/ Fundación CAUCE, Argentina
  2. Regina Lepping, Network for the Indigenous Peoples Solomon (NIPS), Solomon Islands
  3. Priscah Liman, Pastoral Communities Empowerment Programme (PACEP), Kenya
  4. Rose Pelagie Masso, The African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forest (REFACOF), Cameroon
  5. Aracelly Jimenez Mora, CoopeMolusChomes RL, Costa Rica
  6. Ashanapuri Hertz, SwedBio, Sweden
  7. Mrinalini Rai, Women4Biodiversity, Thailand (Closing remarks)
  8. Shruti Ajit, Women4Biodiversity, India (Moderator)

This event is intended for all global audiences, including environment-focused decision-makers and practitioners and their networks, as well as those working on integrated, cross-sector policy and programming, including targeting reaching out to national and local audiences. The event will be useful for those engaging in work of the CBD, including national focal points and ministries toward considering policy lessons and promising practices in addressing women’s rights to their lands and territories as part of a gender-responsive approach to environmental action.  Grassroots organizations working with national governments in ensuring a gender-responsive implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework will also find this event helpful.


Friday, 18 May 2023

17:00 – 18:00 Bangkok time (10:00 – 11:00 UTC)


In-person: Eco Resort, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Virtual: Zoom


  1. To celebrate International Day for Biological Diversity 2023 aligned with the theme “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity” promoting action in support of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)
  2. To promote a gender-responsive implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) through stories from women working towards this goal
  3. To increase awareness on the work of Women4Biodiversity’s partner restoration sites in different regions

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