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Graduated from Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Exhibition experiences:
2013 – 3rd Contemporary Thai Arts
2013 – MiniPrin13
2013 – group exhibition “Smart Art Exhibition” Chiang Mai National Museum
2014 – ART THESIS, Chiang Mai University Art Center
2014 group exhibition, 116 Art gallery Chiang Mai

Suthasinee “Fang” graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Architecture from Rajamangala Unviersity of Technology Lanna in Chaing Mai, Thailand. She has had many exhibitions, but sculpting is where sher found her passion. She had a gallery but due to COVID-19 pandemic she had to close it down, and during which she took on making and sculpting ornaments and jewelry.

When Covid 19 situation improved, FangI reopened her shop and began her new passion of making jewlery and other decorative ornaments using polymer clay.

Suthasinee, “ I enjoy working. Thank you for choosing me to create the work and joining your campaign. I hope everyone will like it.”

Follower her on Instagram: enjoyclay.s

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