Montreal, Canada
7-19 December 2022
Women have always shaped biodiversity, taken care of the planet and fed communities. Therefore, we have to be included in international policies that affect life on earth! This is why we come to Canada from all over the world; to remind the world of this and other truths, that our rights are not being respected, our knowledge is not being taken into account and we are being hindered from accessing the necessary resources to continue our work as land and sea stewards. But also, we come to Montreal to reimagine a future in which our desires as women, based on our trajectories as local activists, materialize in a context in which humanity reconciles with Planet Earth. Support us, read our publications, participate in our activities during COP-15! At this COP, we will raise our voices so that a new global biodiversity framework is created with a true gender perspective.
CBD Women Caucus is a self-organized network with around 500 organizations from all over the world which continuously provides input into the global policy processes of the CBD and other biodiversity related international negotiations.
Road to CBD COP/CP10/NP4
3 December 2022
- Opening Statement
- Item4: CG4-Target 17,18,20, 21 & 22
- Item4: CG6: Sections A, B, Bbis and D
- Photos: [sg_popup id=»5415″ event=»inherit»]UNCBD Women’s Caucus OEWG-5 preparatory meeting[/sg_popup]
4 December 2022
Coming Soon
5 December 2022
- Photos: [sg_popup id=»5423″ event=»inherit»]UNCBD Women’s Caucus OEWG-5 preparatory meeting[/sg_popup]
Updates and Highlights
6 December – Preparatory meeting
- Photos: [sg_popup id=»5437″ event=»inherit»]UNCBD Women’s Caucus preparatory meeting for COP 15[/sg_popup]
7 December
- [sg_popup id=5298]Opening statement[/sg_popup]
- Highlights and Photos
8-18 December – Women’s Hub events
- Women, girls and the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment – A conversation with David Boyd in CBD COP 15
- Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) orientation: A CBD COP 15 event reflection
8 December
9 December
10 & 12 December
16 December
19 December
- [sg_popup id=»5544″ event=»inherit»]Closing Statement[/sg_popup]
Press Conference and Media Coverage
- PRESSENZA: COP 15 Women key roles in conservation need to be recognized
- RADIO CANADA: COP 15 on Biodiversity: There is no agreement without putting women at the center (Interview in French)
- ALL AFRICA: Gender Target At COP15 – Russia’s Single Word Objection Holds Up Process
- INEWS EXPRESS: Women Make History At CBD COP15
- WE DON’T HAVE TIME: Women make history at biodiversity talks in Montreal
- CARBON BRIEF: COP15 – Key outcomes agreed at the UN biodiversity conference in Montreal
- THE GEF: Inclusive conservation: a path to protecting ‘the heart of the planet’
- Kampen för kvinnorätt går hand i hand med att bevara jordens arter
- Global Commitment For Protecting People And The Planet
COP 15 reflections
- The new global biodiversity framework, human rights and civil society by Cristina Eghenter, WWF
- CBD COP 15: Working towards real transformation by WEDO
- Post-2020 Global biodiversity framework restores balance by Cathy Orlando (Sudbury Star)
- COP 15’s new deal for nature: What it is – and what it isn’t by Eirini Sakellari (Landscape News)
- Biodiversity and Gender: How their bonds were strengthened in the UN Convention on Biodiversity by Isimemen Osemwegie (ZEF)
- Working for gender equality in biodiversity policy through Women4Biodiversity
- RESHAPING HER: A two-year reflection journey on the realization of a gender target in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
- Reflexiones, desafíos y aprendizajes: mi experiencia en la COP 15 sobre Biodiversidad