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2020 United Nations Biodiversity Conference COP15 | CP/MOP10 | NP/MOP4

Montreal, Canada
7-19 December 2022

Women have always shaped biodiversity, taken care of the planet and fed communities. Therefore, we have to be included in international policies that affect life on earth! This is why we come to Canada from all over the world; to remind the world of this and other truths, that our rights are not being respected, our knowledge is not being taken into account and we are being hindered from accessing the necessary resources to continue our work as land and sea stewards. But also, we come to Montreal to reimagine a future in which our desires as women, based on our trajectories as local activists, materialize in a context in which humanity reconciles with Planet Earth. Support us, read our publications, participate in our activities during COP-15! At this COP, we will raise our voices so that a new global biodiversity framework is created with a true gender perspective.

CBD Women Caucus is a self-organized network with around 500 organizations from all over the world which continuously provides input into the global policy processes of the CBD and other biodiversity related international negotiations.




3 December 2022

4 December 2022

Coming Soon

5 December 2022

  • Photos: [sg_popup id=»5423″ event=»inherit»]UNCBD Women’s Caucus OEWG-5 preparatory meeting[/sg_popup]