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SBSTTA25: CBD Women’s Caucus Briefs to Promote Gender-sensitive Biodiversity Conservation

During the 25th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Women's Caucus launched policy briefs and a…

SBSTTA25 side event: How to Gender-Responsively Monitor the Implementation of the KM Global Biodiversity Framework?

SBSTTA25 side event led by CBD Women's Caucus in collaboration with other organisations.

SBSTTA25 Side Event: Sustainable Wildlife Management and Gender

SBSTTA25 side event led by Women4Biodiversity in collaboration with SwedBio and IUCN.

Highlights: Managing for Environmental Results and Transformational Change: Insights from the GEF Roundtable 9 discussion

At the 7th GEF Assembly, two parallel roundtable discussions were held on 25 August 2023. Mrinalini Rai represented Women4Biodiversity in one of the roundtable discussions titled, “Managing for Environmental Results…

Highlights: HERStory for Change, A throwback to CBD COP 15

A throwback to CBD COP15 side event on "HERStory for Change"

7th GEF Assembly Side Event: Financing and monitoring the gender-biodiversity nexus by UNCBD Women’s Caucus

UNCBD Women's Caucus in collaboration with UNEP-WCMC, and GEF Gender Partnership will host a side event at the 7th GEF Assembly 2023 in Vancouver, Canada.

Dare to Dream, Dare to Reimagine, Dare to Resist and Assert!: Reimagine HER Rights, A CBD COP 15 event

Women4Biodiversity organized a session called “Reimagine HER Rights” on 16 December 2022 at the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Nature-Positive Pavilion as part of the CBD COP15.

Highlights: Ingredients to operationalize the post-2020 Gender Plan of Action – A CBD COP 15 event

Key highlights of the side-event organised by UNCBD Women's Caucus and the Secretariat of the CBD during COP15 in Montreal, Canada.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) orientation: A CBD COP 15 event reflection

Women4Biodiversity held the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) orientation at the Women’s Hub during the Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD…