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During the previous weeks, an informal meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA)* of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB) was held. 

As the Women Caucus, we participated in all sessions making the voice of women and girls of the world resound strong, demanding our rights and ensuring that no strategy for conservation or regulation of biodiversity is adverse against our life or planet itself.

We invite you to listen to our interventions that were presented in plenary to CBD Parties:

Also, we invite you to read the specific contributions we made for each topic on the agenda.

Are you an advocate or activist? do you work in civil society or academia on behalf of women and want to join the CBD Women’s Group? Sign up here!

Mrinalini Rai, Thailand
Amelia Arreguín, Mexico
Ana Di Pangracio, Argentina
Juana Vera, Peru and The Netherlands

*SBSTTA comprises government representatives competent in the relevant field of expertise. Its functions include: providing assessments of the status of biological diversity; providing assessments of the types of measures taken in accordance with the provisions of the Convention; and responding to questions that the COP may put to the body (Source:

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