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This 2022, adopt Target 22, a stand-alone target for gender equality in the post-2020 GBF

By Women4Biodiversity & FARN, members of  Women’s Caucus - UNCBD Last September, at the 3rd meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) (Part I), Costa Rica proposed a new target…

#WomenActforWetlands videos showcase women’s success stories in conservation and restoration

In celebration of World Wetlands Day last February 2, Women4Biodiversity created and shared weekly videos featuring women and their communities working to protect and restore wetlands near and around their…
Sans catégorie

Women’s rights in environmental law, from 1972 to today

Important progress has been made, but now is the time to place women’s rights at the heart of transnational environmental law (Illustration: Herlinde Demaerel / China Dialogue) By Claudia Ituarte-Lima…

Mujeres por la Biodiversidad y Escazú

Una colaboración de Ruth Spencer (Antigua y Barbuda), Ana Di Pangracio (Argentina) y Amelia Arreguín (México) Con la entrada en vigor del Acuerdo de Escazú el 22 de abril, Día…

Women for Biodiversity and Escazú

A collaboration by Ruth Spencer (Antigua and Barbuda), Ana Di Pangracio (Argentina) and Amelia Arreguín (Mexico) As the Escazu Agreement enters into force on April 22, International Mother Earth Day, …

International Women’s Day: Overcoming Neglect

  Cristine Eghenter Original article at Linkedin, March 8, 2021 Gender equality and female empowerment are core development objectives, fundamental for the realization of human rights and key to effective,…
MeetingsSans catégorie

CBD Women Caucus at the CBD SBSTTA 24

During the previous weeks, an informal meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA)* of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB) was held.  As the Women…

Monday Member – Ruth Spencer

Who is she and what drives her? Country: Antigua and Barbuda Region: Caribe   Antigua is classified as a Small Island Developing State of the Caribbean (SIDS), and due to…

Wetlands Law: We must protect what protects us

Ana di Pangracio, FARN Originally published in Spanish. It's time for a wetland law. We need it now. This is the understanding of the more than 500,000 people who…

Why Rights and Biodiversity Are Interdependent

Building a future for all life on Earth requires incorporating human rights in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, writes Claudia Ituarte-Lima, Senior Researcher at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute. This article authored by…