International Women’s Day 2025 Webinar – ADDRESSING GENDER EQUALITY FOR ALL WOMEN & GIRLS: 30 Years After Beijing Declaration and the Path to CSW69
A 1-hour webinar to celebrate International Women’s Day 2025. Click for more details.
A 1-hour webinar to celebrate International Women’s Day 2025. Click for more details.
On World Wetlands Day, we sit down with Ana Di Prangracio, a fierce environmental advocate and the Deputy ED of FARN, Argentina.
Women at CBD COP16: Reflections and Lessons captures some of the personal reflections of the women participants from Women4Biodiversity’s restoration sites.
A global launch of Restore HER Rights, a celebration of gender-responsive restoration initiatives from six women-led sites in Argentina, Costa Rica, Cameroon, Kenya, Myanmar, and the Solomon Islands.
On International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2024, let’s learn about women environmental human rights defenders in Myanmar who embody resilience, courage, and a commitment to both environmental protection and human rights.
COP 16 presented itself as a great opportunity to enhance collective action towards safeguarding biodiversity as well as addressing climate change
The component indicator on the National Implementation of the Gender Plan of Action is therefore crucial in the monitoring framework, enabling Parties to track progress towards Target 23 more accurately, and providing valuable information that can feed into the binary indicator for this target.
This 1.5 hour side event aims to build a dialogue on women’s role in ecosystem restoration and a human rights-based approach through various examples of women-led restoration initiatives.
This side event aims to build a dialogue on women’s role in ecosystem restoration and a human rights-based approach through various examples of women-led restoration initiatives.
A 1.5 hours side event that will launch the indicator methodology on the national implementation of the Gender Plan of Action