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CBD COP16 Official Side Event 5740: Indicator methodology to measure national implementation of the Gender Plan of Action

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A 1.5 hours side event that will launch the indicator methodology on the national implementation of the Gender Plan of Action. It will provide information on the process of co-development and peer review. Parties and members of the AHTEG on Indicators who have actively contributed towards the development and testing of the methodology will provide their reflections on the methodology and its use for tracking progress towards Target 23.

UNEP-WCMC and Women4Biodiversity, with funding provided by SwedBio, have supported the co-development of the indicator methodology on the national implementation of the Gender Plan of Action. The methodology focuses on tracking progress towards the 18 indicative actions for which Parties are the named lead responsible actors. The methodology includes a set of questions (with multiple-choice answers), which are then summarised into an index score. This indicator will help Parties to track progress towards the national implementation of the Gender Plan of Action and Target 23 of the KM-GBF.

This side event will be co-hosted by Women4Biodiversity and UNEP-WCMC with support from Swedbio.


21 October 2024

1.30 PM Colombia time. Please convert your date and time here.


In-person: Sumapaz – JUSCANZ meeting room, Plaza One

Online: Zoom registration link.


French and Spanish. Please bring your headphones!


  • Ms. Mrinalini Rai, Director, Women for Biodiversity
  • Ms. Katherine Despot Belmonte, Nature, Gender and Rights lead at UNEP-WCMC
  • Ms. Ayesha Wijesekara, Ms. Claudia Faustino and Ms. Ceire Booth from UNEP-WCMC
  • Ms. Pernilla Malmer, Senior Advisor, SwedBio
  • Ms. Ashanapuri Hertz, Program Officer, Swedbio
  • Ms. Meenal Tatpati, Research and Policy Associate, Women4Biodiversity


Adopting the indicator methodology is important to help track progress on Target 23 of the KM-GBF on gender equality and gender-responsive appraoches to biodiversity conservation. The target audience are Parties to the CBD via their designated Gender-Biodiversity Focal Points and National Focal Points. We also welcome participation from representatives from major groups and observers with expertise of gender equality and indicators.

Watch the livestream on YouTube!

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