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Event: How to update NBSAPs and develop National reports gender-responsively?

A one-day live moderated discussion on identifying minimum elements that should be included in the revised and updated National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) as well as unfold entry…

“Enabling Her with Tech”: An International Women’s Day 2023 Event

WHAT Two 30-minute live interviews with Susana Arrachea (Global Programs Director at New Sun Road) on Digital education among women and girls in Guatemala and Dr Kamala Gurung {Gender Focal…

Event: What did CBD COP15 bring for women and girls?

WHAT A one-day virtual round table, which will discuss the critical outcomes of CBD COP15 to identify the needs and way forward in order to deliver a gender-responsive biodiversity results. 

Women’s Hub daily events at CBD COP 15

At the Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 15), #WomenatCOP15 had a platform for their voices to be amplified, the Women’s…

HIGHLIGHTS – Reclaiming Her Space: Indigenous Women and their Traditional Knowledge

By Sharon Ruthia, Policy Intern, Women4Biodiversity Watch the replay of "Reclaiming Her Space: Indigenous Women and their Traditional Knowledge" above. In celebration of  International Day of the World’s Indigenous…

International Women’s Day: Overcoming Neglect

  Cristine Eghenter Original article at Linkedin, March 8, 2021 Gender equality and female empowerment are core development objectives, fundamental for the realization of human rights and key to effective,…