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Webinar on International Women’s Day 2024: Gender Equality and The Convention on Biological Diversity, Compilation of Gender-Related Decisions from COP1 to COP15

1.5 hours webinar hosted by Women4Biodiversity to celebrate International Women's Day 2024 on 08 March 2024. Click for more details.

Online Workshop on KM-GBF & NBSAPs with GYBN India

A short write up on the two-day online workshop on KM-GBF and NBSAPs by GYBN-India and Women4Biodiversity.
Restoration Sites

World Wetlands Day 2024: Valeria Inés Enderle on Exploring Wetland Conservation Challenges Through a Gender Perspective

An Interview with Valeria Inés Enderle, Executive Director of Fundación CAUCE on wetland conservation and the need to recognise women's roles in the conservation process.

Understanding the Intersectionality: Edda Fernández Luiselli on Women’s Struggles and Environmental Challenges

A short interiew with Edda Fernández Luiselli, Senior Policy Adviser of Avaaz on the intersectionality of women's struggles and environmental challenges.
Restoration Sites

Indigenous Karen women lead in documenting biocultural plant species in the Salween Peace Park

A blog by Charlotte (Lotty) Clare from Karen Environmental Social Action Network (KESAN )on Karen women's understanding and contribution of the delicate ecosystem balance in Salween Peace Park, Myanmar
Restoration Sites

‘JIKOS’ — A creation of necessity building a road to economic freedom for the women of Kamatira in Kenya

A photo story on how Jikos is created by the women of the Kamatira region in West Pokot, Kenya.
Restoration Sites

Visite d’échange à West Pokot : le sentiment de REFACOF

Un court billet de Rose Pelagie Masso et Blondine Benga de REFACOF, Cameroun, sur leur visite d'échange régional dans la forêt de Kamatira à West Pokot, Kenya.

Indigenous languages and traditions need to be shared from one generation to another

A personal reflection on the 12th meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Intersessional Working Group on Article 8(j) by Sunita Kwangta.
Restoration Sites

Mi experiencia en Costa Rica

Una entrada de blog que describe una visita de campo a la restauración de manglares en Chomes, Punta Arenas, Costa Rica.

Digital Sequence Information and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework: Placing Traditional Knowledge and Rights

Mrinalini Rai, Director, Women4Biodiversity The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international treaty established in 1992 with the aim of conserving biodiversity, promoting its sustainable use and ensuring the…