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Recognising Indigenous Women and their Traditional Knowledge in the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

Mrinalini Rai, Director, Women4Biodiversity Traditional knowledge has been recognized as an important aspect of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Traditional knowledge refers to the knowledge, innovations, and practices of…

12th meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Intersessional WG on Article 8(j): CBD Women’s Caucus Briefer

A discussion paper to be presented by CBD Women's Caucus at the 12th meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Intersessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the…

Highlights: Managing for Environmental Results and Transformational Change: Insights from the GEF Roundtable 9 discussion

At the 7th GEF Assembly, two parallel roundtable discussions were held on 25 August 2023. Mrinalini Rai represented Women4Biodiversity in one of the roundtable discussions titled, “Managing for Environmental Results…

Highlights: HERStory for Change, A throwback to CBD COP 15

A throwback to CBD COP15 side event on "HERStory for Change"

W4B at Sub Regional Dialogue on NBSAPs in ASEAN and Timor Leste

Women4Biodiversity's Programme Officer, Shruti Ajit reflects on her participation at the "Sub Regional Dialogue on National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans in ASEAN and Timor Leste" that took place in…

7th GEF Assembly Side Event: Financing and monitoring the gender-biodiversity nexus by UNCBD Women’s Caucus

UNCBD Women's Caucus in collaboration with UNEP-WCMC, and GEF Gender Partnership will host a side event at the 7th GEF Assembly 2023 in Vancouver, Canada.

HIGHLIGHTS: How to gender-responsively monitor the implementation of the KM-GBF?

Highlights of the fourth Women's Caucus webinar on "How to gender-responsively monitor the implementation of the KM-GBF?"

Highlights: Ingredients to operationalize the post-2020 Gender Plan of Action – A CBD COP 15 event

Key highlights of the side-event organised by UNCBD Women's Caucus and the Secretariat of the CBD during COP15 in Montreal, Canada.

Women in the Sustainable Development Goals: A Reflection on the 2023 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF)

Yoko Lu reflects on her participation in at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2023 that addressed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in preparation for the SDG Summit which is…

Women, girls and the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment – A conversation with David Boyd in CBD COP 15

Women4Biodiversity hosted “Women, girls and the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment,” a conversation with UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment David Boyd in Montreal,…