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CBD COP16 Press Conference: Indicator on Gender Plan of Action for Target 23, and Gender, Data and Perspectives in Biodiversity

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A 30-minute press conference with a dual purpose — (a) to highlight the importance and advocate the adoption of the indicator methodology for the Gender Plan of Action that has been co-developed by Women4Biodiversity and UNEP-WCMC, and (b) to highlight the need to have gender-disaggregated data to advocate for the rights of women and girls in biodiversity conservation. The event will also discuss Women4Biodiversity’s in-house publication Gender Equality and the Convention on Biological Diversity: A Compilation of Decision Texts from COP1 to COP15 in English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Russian.


26 October 2024

10.30 am to 11 am Colombia time. Please convert your date and time here.


For in-person attendance: On-Site Press Room

For online attendance: Watch the livestream on YouTube


Panel of speakers will be confirmed soon.


  • To advocate for the Parties’ adoption of the indicator methodology so that the progress towards Target 23 is trackable numerically.
  • To discuss the gaps in data in that do not reflect true ground realities of women and girls and the urgent need for it to be changed so that their contribution isn’t lost in the gaps.
Catch the live stream on YouTube

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