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CBD COP15 Side event

Date: 9 December 2022
Time: 18:15 – 19:15 (GMT-5)
Place: Marie Khan Room #513A
Montreal, Canada

*Interpretation to Spanish and French
*Lunch provided


Identify synergies between women’s organisations and national governments for the effective implementation of the post-2020 Gender Plan of Action.


  • Ms. Elizabeth Mrema, Executive Secretary of the CBD


  • Milka Chepkorir, ICCA Consortium, Kenya
  • Ivannia Ayales, Coopesolidar, Costa Rica
  • Shruti Ajit, Women4Biodiversity, India
  • Eugenia Arguedas, Party delegate from Costa Rica
  • Lilian Chimphepo, Party delegate from Malawi
  • Vienna Pozer, Party delegate from Canada


  • Benjamin Schahter, OHCHR
  • Verona Collantes-Labale, GEF


While women and girls play a critical role in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use (CBD, 1992), and even if there is an “increasing understanding that gender equality is an important prerequisite for sustainable development and for the achievement of the objectives of the Convention” (CBD, 2022), women and girls face “a disproportionate burden of costs related to biodiversity loss as well as conservation and sustainable use, and a comparatively low receipt of benefits derived from genetic resources” (CBD, 2022).

These systematic barriers are more evident regarding women and girls’ access to, control, and ownership over land, water and other biological resources (CBD, 2020). Additionally, their knowledge, innovations and best practices are dismissed; and their participation in decision-making processes is ineffective and unequal (CBD, 2020). Consequently, they face increasing gender-based violence linked to environmental crises (IUCN, 2020).

The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework is to be adopted at CBD COP15, which hosts a stand-alone target on Gender Equality (Target 22). Alongside this blueprint for biodiversity, the CBD COP 15 will also be adopting the Post-2020 Gender Plan of Action to support and guide the gender-responsive implementation of the GBF. However, coordinated efforts and concrete action at all levels must be mobilised to operationalise the post2020 Gender Plan of Action. Together, Target 22 and the Post2020 Gender Plan of Action would guarantee mutual strengthening and help to address the gender gaps and biases in biodiversity policies. Furthermore, these two components combined will be able to achieve the gender-responsive implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework as well as “other implementing mechanisms within the CBD, such as the long-term strategic framework for capacity-building and development and the strategy for resource mobilisation” (CBD, 2021)

This event aims to provide an open space for Parties and observers to learn about and discuss, existing solutions and concrete ways forward to effectively anchor Target 22 and means of operationalising the Post2020 Gender Plan of Action in all biodiversity-related policies and practices at all levels. The panel, which ensures diversity, consisting of women’s organisations and Parties representatives, will focus on solutions and collaborative opportunities to advance these commitments in the best way.

Hosts: UNCBD Women’s Caucus and Secretariat of the CBD

Co-conveners (in alphabetical order): CABES – Capacity Development for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Experts in West, Central and East Africa, Centre for Development Support Initiatives CEDSI, CoopeSolidar (Costa Rica), EcoMaxei AC (Mexico), Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN – Argentina), Global Forest Coalition, ICCA Consortium, Journaliste for Human Rights (Macedonia), Noble Delta Women for Peace and Development Intl, Women4Biodiversity, WWF International.

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