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REGION: Kamatira Forest, West Pokot
RESTORATION SITE PARTNER: Pastoral Communities Empowerment Programme (PACEP)
In the patriarchal society of the indigenous Pokot people, women’s roles are vital yet often marginalized, leaving them with little influence in resource management and governance decisions. Additionally, women bear a disproportionate burden from biodiversity loss and climate change impacts. Rural and indigenous women, whose livelihoods depend heavily on natural resources, suffer the most when these resources are degraded or depleted.


Located in Kamatira Forest, West Pokot County, Kenya, the restoration area sits at an elevation of 1,856 meters southwest of Chepareria, near the northeast of Charangani Hills. Inhabited predominantly by the Pokot indigenous community, most of whom are agro-pastoralists, the forest serves as a crucial water catchment and medicinal resource for the Pokot South communities. The biodiversity in the area provides essential ecosystem services such as pollination, seed dispersal, climate regulation, carbon sequestration, pest and disease control, and human health regulation. These services indirectly support food, fibre, and water production and influence processes like primary production, nutrient recycling, and soil formation. Efforts to conserve and restore biodiversity in this area can enhance carbon sequestration, contributing to climate change mitigation and ultimately improving the well-being of the local communities amidst changing climatic conditions.

Proposed outputs

Amplifying women’s voices for a sustainable future: By providing space for women’s experiences, knowledge, innovations and practices together to build a platform of collective actions.

Empowering women to bring change: By advancing women’s empowerment through skills sharing to equip them with expertise to assert their rights as decision-makers, advocates and leaders, in particular to issues related to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use and development.

Building gender-just solutions: By advocating for environmental policies, plans and practices that are gender-responsive as well as environmentally, socially and culturally fair, and implemented effectively at all levels of engagement.

Bridging the gap between science and policy: By highlighting the importance of gender considerations in environmental decision-making and identifying areas where action is needed to build synergies across global environmental conventions.

Activity in Kenya


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