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Gender Equality, Restoration and Land Rights: A Time for Change

Gender equality, restoration and land rights are interrelated issues that affect the lives and livelihoods of millions worldwide. Women and girls are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of land degradation,…

Building Resilience and Weaving Gender Responsive Approaches to Biodiversity Governance: Summary of the five-day workshop conducted in Chiang Mai, Thailand (15-20 May, 2022)

A summary of a 5-day workshop organised by Women4Biodiversity from 15 May to 20 May 2023, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. 

Highlights — A new chemicals framework that leaves no one behind: A joint webinar on chemicals, gender and human rights

Women4Biodiversity and MSP Institute jointly organized a webinar “A new chemicals framework that leaves no one behind: Webinar on gender and human rights in SAICM Beyond 2020” on 13 June…

Event: A new chemicals framework that leaves no one behind – webinar on gender and human rights in SAICM Beyond 2020

A joint webinar on a new chemicals framework that leaves no one behind, gender and human rights in Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) Beyond 2020.

HIGHLIGHTS: How to implement the CBD Gender Plan of Action on the ground? #FromAgreementtoAction

To explore the practical implementation of the Gender Plan of Action (GPA), the UNCBD Women’s Caucus and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity hosted a virtual roundtable on…

HIGHLIGHTS – International Day of Biological Diversity 2023 Hybrid Event

To celebrate the International Day of Biological Diversity and to promote the gender-responsive implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework through grassroots women working towards this goal through restoration and…

RESHAPING HER: A two-year reflection journey on the realization of a gender target in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

Sharon Ruthia, a former intern with Policy Team in Women4Biodiversity recounts her journey from being engaged in the GYBN Kenya Chapter to realising a gender targer in Kunming-Montreal GBF

Event: How to implement the CBD Gender Plan of Action on the ground #FromAgreementToAction

Women4Biodiversity, the UNCBD Women’s Caucus, in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, offers this space where good practices, lessons learned, and concrete ways forward will be…

Women Farmers in Tropical Forests Building Community Resilience: A Biodiversity Day reflection

Many stories of women’s traditional roles in biodiversity and agriculture are yet to be told. The limited visibility of women in policy and decision-making spaces related to natural resource governance…

Event: IDB 2023, “From Agreement to Action: Ways forward for gender equality and women’s rights in building back biodiversity”

A hybrid event featuring a high-level moderated discussion to celebrate the International Day for Biological Diversity 2023