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Restoration Sites

Voices of Restoration: Highlights from the Restoration Site Writeshop in Nairobi

Text by Sumina Subba, Communications Officer, Women4Biodiversity Photos by Sumina Subba and Deepika Nandan, Visual Communications Officer, Women4Biodiversity “I can’t believe how fast these five days have passed!”, exclaimed Ivannia…

Celebrating International Day Of The World’s Indigenous Peoples 2024: Protecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact

On International Day Of The World’s Indigenous Peoples 2024, let's learn about protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact with Luna, the Sloth! They live…
Restoration Sites

International Day for the Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystems 2024: Celebrating the women in Chomes, Costa Rica

Welcome to Chomes! Where cultural and biological diversity go hand in hand! Today on the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, we would like to share a…
Restoration Sites

Taller Multiactores en Costa Rica: Aportes Desde La Igualdad De Género Al Marco Global De Biodiversidad

Mujeres Pescadoras Artesanales Y Molusqueras – Red De Áreas Marinas De Pesca Responsable Y Territorios Marinos De Vida Texte et photos par CoopeSoliDar R.L. El propósito de esta actividad fue…
Restoration Sites

Observing Desertification and Drought Day 2024: Celebrating the environmentally sustainable practices adopted by the women in Kamatira, West Pokot, Kenya

On Desertification and Drought Day, we are celebrating the inspiring women from Kamatira who are fighting drought through sustainable practices that nourish their land.

Celebrating World Ocean Day 2024

Happy World Ocean Day! Take a moment to read about this and listen to Sudha Kottillil, a researcher and ecologist working on marine conservation and fisheries management who explains why…
Restoration Sites

Through Women’s Lenses: A Photo Story on Documenting Biocultural Plant Species in the Salween Peace Park by the Women Research Group

On World Environment Day 2024, let's delve into a photo story of Women Research Group, who are documenting biocultural plant species within the Salaween Peace Park in Myanmar. Let's learn…

Bolstering Young Girls towards a Future in Conservation

A short blog post by Shruti Ajit, Programme Officer at Women4Biodiversity on her experience on running a session on 'Gender and Biodiversity' at Bolster Girls Campus.

Celebrating International Day for Biodiversity 2024

Here is how Women4Biodiversity celebrated International Day for Biodiversity 2024! Scroll through the diverse and fun content!

SBI-4 Press Conference: Women4Biodiversity will launch two critical gender-equality documents

Women4Biodiversity will launch two critical documents on gender equality at the fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI-4). See event details.