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Restoration Sites

Taller Multiactores en Costa Rica: Aportes Desde La Igualdad De Género Al Marco Global De Biodiversidad

Mujeres Pescadoras Artesanales Y Molusqueras – Red De Áreas Marinas De Pesca Responsable Y Territorios Marinos De Vida Texte et photos par CoopeSoliDar R.L. El propósito de esta actividad fue…
Restoration Sites

National Workshop in Advancing Gender-Responsive Biodiversity Policies in Cameroon

Shruti Ajit, Programme Officer at Women4Biodiversity writes about her experience in participating in the National Stakeholders workshop was held on 14 June in Yaounde, Cameroon. The workshop was organised organized…

Highlights: Ingredients to operationalize the post-2020 Gender Plan of Action – A CBD COP 15 event

Key highlights of the side-event organised by UNCBD Women's Caucus and the Secretariat of the CBD during COP15 in Montreal, Canada.

HIGHLIGHTS: Enabling Her with Tech International Women’s Day live interviews

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2023 in line with the theme “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality,” Women4Biodiversity held live interviews on 8 March, with women bridging technology and…

Women’s policy briefs for a gender-responsive biodiversity framework launched in Montreal

CBD COP15 Event To kick off the series of events at the Women's Hub at the Fifteenth Conference of the Meeting of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD…

How do we make biodiversity action financing gender-responsive?

By Amelia Arreguín The International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) co-hosted last June 21 the “OEWG-4 Roundtable on IPLCs and Finance:…

Empowering HER – Sharing Experiences from UNCCD COP 15: MODERN FOOD SYSTEMS VIS-À-VIS LAND DEGRADATION, and Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in the Land Restoration Process

by Sharon Ruthia, Policy Associate - Africa, Women4Biodiversity The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) recently convened its fifteenth session of the Conference of Parties in Abidjan, Cote D…

The world’s largest-ever gathering on forests does not include the rightful owners of forests

Guest contributor - Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi, SWAGEN Uganda Seoul, May 2022 All roads led to Seoul, South Korea on the last day of April and the first day of May.…

Targeting Gender: Best Practices and Ways Forward

Watch the event replay here. The first day of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) meetings in Geneva witnessed not only the opening statements of Parties and observers but also…

#WomenActforWetlands videos showcase women’s success stories in conservation and restoration

In celebration of World Wetlands Day last February 2, Women4Biodiversity created and shared weekly videos featuring women and their communities working to protect and restore wetlands near and around their…